Tuesday, February 1, 2011


hey kids-

i’m sure you know by now that the patriots lost to the jets in the playoffs. it’s not that i was particularly torn up about it, i just don’t really have anything to say. it was a long, painful season, and dashed hopes just when i was starting to believe feels like a fitting end to it. aside from the fact that i hate losing, i superhate the jets, and i supersuperhate losing to the jets, i’m kind of glad it’s over.

our fearless quarterback looked nothing like the tommy brady we know and love – and by whom we’d gotten so spoiled in those last several games of the regular season. he threw an interception in the first quarter and never really seemed to recover...and it was all downhill from there. you know it’s bad when he and wes can’t even look at each other!

tommy wasn’t the only one who didn’t show up for this game. our force-the-turnover defense didn’t manage a single big play when they needed one most, and our o-line seemed to have made some kind of inside wager on how many times tommy’d wind up on his butt. it was enough to make a pats fan hang his head in shame! here’s our quarterback, showing us how it’s done, and for that, he gets the final tommy of the week of the 2010 season. how bout a demo of a super bowl celebration next year, tommy?

wes is turning 30 in the off-season, and the rumblings have begun that when his contract ends next year, the patriots may trade him in for a younger model. i, however, have no such plans - even with all those tight ends running about. heart ya next year, wes! same bat-time, same bat-channel.

this is the point at which i usually start the countdown to preseason- but this year, the future is uncertain on all fronts. if there’s no labor agreement for the nfl, our patriots may be forced to take to boston commons for flag football, and if there’s no labor agreement for dav, you may well find me there, too, cheering them on! but rest assured, if there are patriots games, there will be tommies of the week- and i heart wes welkers to go right along with em. so think happy patriots thoughts and happy bargaining agreement thoughts, and let’s be optimistic (check it out, mom!) and say- see ya september!

love dav